There is something new under the sun.
Sundance Replicas are handcrafted and made from wood. We take your photo and carve it into a very special gift. A Replica is much like a framed photo with a bonus - the added realism of three dimensions.
- Each replica is approximately 5 inches x 7 inches and 1/2 inch thick-
***** Sundance Replicas are only in production from October 15- November 15 for December deliveries. We can accept pre-orders, however, production will not begin until late October.
They're ideal as housewarming gifts, anniversary gifts or just a memorable way to display your favorite photos. They cost $65.00 including shipping.
PRINTable gallery of our work (pdf)
GOT QUESTIONS ? Call 1 - 609 - 602 - 3243 To ORDER call 1 - 609 - 602 - 3243
Thanks - Jim
If you have questions, see our Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) page - or just contact us for more details.
You can also order online!