Sundance Replicas
Under New Ownership
Well, sort of. Paul Burden was the entrepreneur behind Sundance Replicas. I liked the product so much I met with Paul, and Sundance Replicas has "moved to New Jersey".
As the old saying goes; 'if you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life" We really do love what we do and "work" to make sure it shows in our products and service. The most gratifying part of our work is seeing the reaction our customers have when they see their Replica. The growth of our company has been exciting and we have you to thank. It is very rewarding to hear from our customers. So, please be in touch. Your ideas have inspired us to enter a variety of different markets. While real estate remains our strongest market, we are now making Replicas of pets, sports teams, class photos, ballet performances, corporate logos, even the grandchildren!
This is a good time to answer a couple of questions we are often asked:
The most frequent is, "How do you do that?"
Each Replica is hand crafted. Without going into every step in the process of creating your Replica; once our artisans are finished cutting the wood, they then hand paint all of the areas where the bare wood has been "exposed". It's a painstaking process. Each Replica takes several hours to complete. But as I'm sure you'll agree, it's worth it!
Another question we hear quite a bit is "Where did you come up with the name?"
The very first Replica ever done was of a home in Duck, North Carolina. The name of the house was Sundance- there you have it.
Thank you for your support, your kind words and your enthusiasm for our product.
Jim Marshall
Sundance Replicas