Thank you for visiting my WebPages. None of this could have been possible without the generous
contributions from the following friends and services ...
John Hay and Ray Elias ( Monster ) for their Technical Assistance, Inspiration
and the challenge to compete for Innovative, Informative and Interesting Sites.
MySoftwareCompany for creating affordable and easily understood software
to create these pages ( My Internet Business Page )
AtTheBeach.com ... my Internet Service Provider
Jim Ginn ( Jim@AtTheBeach.com ) for assistance in enhancing my services ( Isn't
that what this is all about anyway !!! )
Irving A. ( Jim ) Marshall ... for encouraging me
to pursue the Dream ... and providing the support that allows me to reach into
the future. "The length of your
life is less important than its depth"
The Thousands of WebSites that inspire creation ...
The Pioneers that ARE the future !
Graphics credits to Ben & Jerry's